
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Photographer In Focus: AlexandFelix

This photography tandem’s most popular series deals with a surreal portraiture of humanity and how technology has assimilated into people’s lives. These are pretty powerful images.
Alex Gertschen, 1969 and Felix Meier, 1969, both from Switzerland and better known as AlexandFelix work as a team. They are known for staging their subjects and models, without the use of computers, with diverse objects and materials. AlexandFelix create imaginative, somewhat absurd and surreal worlds.
Also the background is not made by computer which is a conscious choice in an effort to make the images more vibrant and less artificial. The series 13 Queens shows how detailed the two photographers work, with much to discover in each image. The following images come from the series 13 Queens and from their Pictures portfolio.

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